Saturday, December 29, 2012

leaders clans and exclusive role play

ok let me remind you
dawn clan : XxtigerstarxX -tiger star - me
dusk clan : XxeclipsestarxX- eclipse star- amber
fire clan : XxamberstarxX - amber claw- amber star - tmart7
frost clan : XxbluestarxX-blue star- blustar00197
 those are the clans and leaders next
i need you to tell people about my chat
we only need 3 more people cause then you would have to buy accesses passes to get on the chat and role play  all we need is three so don't over do it ^_^ i don't want people spending money on chatting for role play  all i need is 3 people enough for the clans to have one leader and one deputy and just act like your the other cats for example.
XxtigerstarxX: all cats gather id like to apprentice jaykit
Xxtigerstar: jaykit: i agree to the warrior code
     and so on
just put the warrior or kit or apprentices name after your chat user and you have your other role play cat see ^_^
now the exclusive role play is on my elements of fox hood blog i will soon be adding a box there you pick two elements(shadow counts)  and then youd put your foxes name and stuff thats my newest rp for now watch the next few posts for more!

Friday, December 28, 2012

dawn,dusk,frost and fire

the leaders of the four clans described in the title these are chat members:
dusk clan: XxeclipsestarxX
dawnclan: XxtigerstarxX
frostclan: XxbluestarxX
fireclan: XxamberclawxX (soon to be amberstar)

Thursday, December 27, 2012


the titles true it's the beggining of the role play the first joiner sunpelt101 is my deputy she asked first so there you have it sign up at the chat box with your warrior name and put the medic or warrior symbol like this (name here)/ m for medic and (name here)/ w for warrior no leaders allowed the clan name is dawn clan i dragonstar am leader

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


welcome to my warriorz fan base where i will soon set up a chat for all warrior fans to join and chat as a role play with your own fanmade warriors YOU CANNOT BE A LEADER UNLESS I  TELL YOU , YOU CAN BE A LEADER! My name is Dragon Star so no one take it i will soon draw a picture of my cat version. update* chat box below